Which type of supplier are you looking to verify?

One Point Zero - Factory

Manufacturing Vendors

Responsilbe for manufacturing, assembling or packaging your products.

One Point Zero - Circuit Board

Component Suppliers

Supplying your business with off the shelf components for your products.


Supplier Background Check Pricing
(Limited time only)

We provide 3 levels of background check reports. We are currently offering these as a stand alone service for a short period of time to help companies get back to business after COVID.


A standard report, giving you an overview of your vendor.


129.00Add to cart

Business background

Shareholders information(including capital contribution ratio)

Foreign investment information(including investment ratio)

Relevant information of the legal representative

Ownership control path

Enterprise development


An intermediate report, to give you a greater level of insight.


156.00Add to cart

Business background

Shareholders information(including capital contribution ratio)

Foreign investment information(including investment ratio)

Relevant information of the legal representative

Ownership control path

Enterprise development

Risk information


Everything you need to determine if your chosen supplier is the best business match for you.


189.00Add to cart

Business background

Shareholders information(including capital contribution ratio)

Foreign investment information(including investment ratio)

Relevant information of the legal representative

Ownership control path

Enterprise development

Risk information

Business management

Annual report information

1/2 hour consultation call

Why should you invest in a supplier background check now?

The landscape of manufacture and suppliers looks very different compared to 2019. Many companies are struggling or no longer exist. Whilst everyone is doing their best to stay afloat, it can be damaging to your business if you do not have all the facts. A vendor who seems fine on the surface may in fact be in trouble and cause problems in future.

To ensure your company’s stability, a robust vendor architecture is incredibly important. A background check will give you the assurance you need to confidently move forward, knowing that you are doing your due diligence to protect your company for the future.

Why Use One Point Zero?

Our decades of experience working with suppliers and manufacturers has allowed us to learn the pitfalls and warning signs when something does not feel right. We know what to look for when assessing a vendor and pride ourselves in creating long lasting partnerships that benefit everyone. Commissioning a background check will give you all the information you need to make a decision about their viability for the future.

If however you are still unsure we can help you find the right partners for your business.
Our multilingual team undertake all the necessary inspections and audits in person and we pride ourselves on the level of service we offer our clients to get you up and running as fast as possible.


A standard report, giving you an overview of your vendor.


129.00Add to cart


An intermediate report, to give you a greater level of insight.


156.00Add to cart


Everything you need to determine if your chosen supplier is the best business match for you.


189.00Add to cart

Need more information?

If you would like to have a chat with one of our team, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Creating a robust vendor architecture will secure your business for the future

Our team of designers, engineers and operations professionals have extensive international experience.

Together with our global network, we strengthen your supply chain, reduce product costs and increase your productivity, allowing you to focus on innovative business opportunities.