Engineering and developing your products with strategic design. Reducing part costs and increasing productivity.
Overseeing the manufacture, assembly and packaging of your projects using our wide reaching production network.
Looking after and managing your supply chain and logistics, ensuring your products are delivered on-time, every time.
With over 20 years experience working with vendors and technicians both in Asia and across europe we have detailed capability to integrate electronics at all levels – from bread board testing to mass manufactured and certified PCBa & PCBs.
Our skilled tool makers bring our client’s designs to life. We are perfectly placed to provide high quality plastic injection moulded parts for low and high volume production.
Providing specialist metalwork for small and large scale products. Our manufacturers work closely with the engineering team to risk manage process and deliver parts fit for purpose.
Putting the finishing touches to any project requires knowledge and skill. Our materials and tooling experts work to ensure all parts leave the factory looking exactly as they should.
Digital Pos technology is Connected digital Pos: in-store point- of-sale technology that connects to information, people and devices to help shoppers shop smarter and retailers sell smarter.
Packaging is often a last thought, but done well can be difference between making a sale or not.
Our extensive packaging solutions cater to every need, design and price point.
Our procurement team have proven themselves to be invaluable to delivering projects.
We pride ourselves in:
Our project management team take responsibility for overseeing the planning and development on our client’s behalf. They monitor and control the execution, bringing together all aspects of the project to a successful conclusion.
Transferring from the factory, to packaging and palletisation, One Point Zero proficiently oversee global logistics to make sure all products are delivered safely, door to door.